Our last launch of magical may did not disappoint! Yip it was freezing with the wind chill, however once we were in the water that cold was drowned out by warm seas and friendly Dolfriends who were observed in Malongane Bay.
The large pod was mostly traveling however we were soon joined by dolphins on the bow and when slipping in found ourselves in the company of mom Bo and her firstborn daughter Rocha; both ladies were with their babes. For grandma Bo - this is her 8th little bundle of joy and for Rocha, who is now 17, her second. Both mums calved during the summer of 2020 making these little kids still calves of the year.
Images: 1: Slipping in 2: Bo's calf 3: Relatives 4 & 5: Rocha and her calf with remora and lesions.
Rocha has some new nicks out of her dorsal and her little one does look a little worse for wear as he sports some interesting lesions and a pesky remora!
Did you know you can adopt Bo's family line through the Society for Dolphin Conservation - Germany (please use translate). By adopting Bo and her family you directly assist in research and conservation of dolphins!
The encounter was all in all rather quiet except for a wee bit of echolocating and Bo’s little one right at the end who broke out into some whistling.
Thank you to our supporters Lydia, Christa, Paul and Paul Jr! The Dolphins of Ponta and volunteer Emma!
Please feel free to post your comments below and like and share. Please visit our album page for images and screen grabs of encountours taken by our team!
