Welcome to the home of Angie's Dolphin Diaries. Here you will find the in-water records of encounters had with the local Dolphins of Ponta during September in the Reserva Marinah Parcial Ponta do Ouro.. Please scroll down to find your encountour date. We would like to say a heartfelt thanks for joining us on the Dolphin Boat in Ponta!
Without you we would not be able to do what we love most. Thank you for your support which helps us keep track of the local #DolphinsofPonta.

Today we welcomed the Grade 12’s from the American International School.
Heading off early we were treated with dolphin and whale observations on all the encountours - conditions we a little bumpy with the onshore wind that blew from sun-up, however we were awarded by crystal clean waters and very friendly dolphins on the first two encountours. By launch three the pod had increased in size and was resting!
Thank you to AISM students, teachers and parents for joining us as well as Gala Gala Eco-Estate, the perfect school and student tour venue!
01st October 2021 Sunrise Encountour
01st October 2021 Midmorning Encountour
01st October 2021 Late morning Encountour