Ponta do Ouro- Mozambique; On 13 August 2023, MNP ranger Filimon reported the stranding of a large toothed whale.

Dr Diana Rocha and Angie Gullan, together with the Park, visited the site in order to gather further information. The species was confirmed as a Short Finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus), a female measuring 3.89m in length.
The animal looked to be in good condition, except for evidence of a small aquatic bush meat harvest and a swollen lower mandible as pointed out by Tim Collins.
Warning! Graphic Images
From left to right: Top; Stranded Short-Finned Pilot Whale; Dr Diana Rocha taking samples and measurements. Bottom; Close-up of teeth; swollen lower mandible; closeup of genital area.
Measurements and a blubber sample was taken, which will be delivered to Dr Almeida Guissamulo (Natural History Museum Maputo). Full necropsy and animal retrieval was not possible due to the incoming tide. The whale was left on the beach and it is hoped that in the coming weeks, as the animal decomposes, some carcass may be retrieved.
This stranding marks the 43rd event recorded in the area on marine mammals and you can read more about strandings in the SouthWestern Indian ocean by referencing Mozambique in this recent publication: Spatiotemporal trends in cetacean strandings and response in the southwestern Indian Ocean:2000–2020