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Dolphin Diary 210521

Going for the gap! After a couple of days of pounding onshore, we finally managed to make it off to sea before the southerly winds arrived and located a pod of the local #dolphinsofponta right at the top of our northern range.

Just as we were about to turn around and head back to Ponta - Mr Dolphin Eyes Dallas spotted a large pod of some 30 individuals close in backline heading north in Madajanine Bay.

On approach the pod turned towards us and started approaching the boat to bowride - something they seem to be enjoying a lot of late!

Once kitted up and slipped in - we were greeted by a mostly resting pod - with mums and babes tucked between the pod who moved through us. It’s interesting to note that although the majority of the pod did not want to engage, once again a small group peeled off and stayed to visit before joining up with the rest of the pod heading north towards Mamoli.

Images: 1: Dolphin Smiles all round 2: Belly up circle swim with a young female 3: Female defecating 4: Bottlenose dolphins 5: Coming in fast for a bow ride. 6: Conscious interaction with the females.

Please visit our album page for images and screen grabs of encountours taken by our team!

Thank you to our respectful dolphin observers, the local #dolphinsofponta and DolphinCare Volunteer Emma for the great video edit.

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